What is EMC??
Electro Magnetic Compatibility
Definition of EMC
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is the ability of any electrical & electronic products and systems to function properly in their electromagnetic environment, by limiting the unintentional electromagnetic noise which may cause unwanted effects such as electromagnetic interference (EMI).
The product shall NOT BE A SOURCE of electromagnetic pollution to that environment.
- EMISSION Testing
- Also known as EMI Testing
The product shall FUNCTION PROPERLY in its intended electromagnetic (EM) environment.
- Also known as EMS Testing

What are EMC Standards?
EMC standards and norms define terms, rules and test methods for EMC. Furthermore, they specify limits and minimum test levels for electric and electromagnetic emissions and immunity of electromechanical and electronic products.
Why do we need EMC Standards?
EMC standards help to make measurements comparable and repeatable by defining the test methods, the test equipment and the test environment. And an important point about EMC standards: they have the purpose of bringing harmonization to EMC testing, in the best case: a global harmonization.
What types of EMC Standards are there?
It is to be distinguished between the following classes or types of EMC standards:
Basic EMC Publications.
The Basic EMC Publications specify the terms and conditions for EMC testing, they define the rules necessary for achieving electromagnetic compatibility, they specify test methods (testing techniques, test setup, test equipment and environment) and so on. Basic EMC Publications are the EMC standards to which other EMC standards (EMC Product Standards, Generic EMC Standards etc.) refer to.
Basic EMC publications can be grouped:
- General. Guidance on how to draft an EMC publication, definition of the EMC terminology and vocabulary, general considerations. Examples: IEC Guide 107, IEC 60050-161, IEC TR 61000-1-1 etc.
- Environment. Classification and description of different electromagnetic environments and compatibility levels. Examples: IEC TS 61000-2-5, IEC TR 61000-2-3, etc.
- Emission. Definition of test setups, testing techniques, test equipment, test environment and other considerations regarding EMC emission testing and measurement. Examples: IEC 61000-4-7, IEC 61000-4-14, CISPR 16, etc.
- Immunity. Definition of test setups, testing techniques, test equipment, test environment and other considerations regarding EMC immunity testing. Examples: IEC 61000-4-1, IEC 61000-4-2, IEC 61000-4-3, etc.
- Installation/Mitigation. Installation and mitigation guidelines regarding earthing and cabling, mitigation of external electromagnetic influences, HEMP protection concepts and so on. Examples are IEC TR 61000-5-1, IEC TR 61000-5-2, etc.
EMC Product Standards.
The EMC Product Standards apply to particular products, such as electric road vehicles or coaxial cables. EMC Product Standards refer to the relevant basic EMC publications (for that particular product) and specify the limits of emission and immunity (the minimum test levels). Examples of EMC Product Standards are IEC 62104 (DAB receivers), IEC 61851-21 (electric road vehicles charging system), IEC 62599-2 (alarm end electronic security systems), etc.
EMC Product Family Standards.
The EMC Product Family Standards apply to a group of products that have common general characteristics, that may operate in the same environment and have neighboring fields of application. EMC Product Family Standards refer to the relevant basic EMC publications (for that particular product) and specify the limits of emission and immunity (the minimum test levels).
Examples of EMC Product Family Standards are e.g. CISPR 11 (EN 55011, emission) and CISPR 32 (EN 55032, emission). Another example of an EMC Product Family Standard is the family around IEC 61326 (electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use, immunity).
Generic EMC Standards.
The Generic EMC Standards are for products operating in a particular EMC environment (residential/industrial), where there does not exist a specific Product (Family) EMC Standard. They are general and somewhat simplified EMC Product Standards, while referring to Basic EMC Publications for detailed measurement and test methods. Generic EMC Standards specify a limited number of essential emission and immunity tests, as well as minimum test levels.
Examples of Generic EMC Standards are for residential/commercial environments the IEC 61000-6-3 (emission) and IEC 61000-6-1 (immunity) and for industrial environments the IEC 61000-6-4 (emission) and IEC 61000-6-2 (immunity).
Source: https://www.academyofemc.com/emc-standards
Typical examples of EMC Testing Standards
CISPR 11: Emission for Industrial, scientific and measuring equipment (ISM)
CISPR 12: Emission for Vehicles / Automotive
CISPR 13: Emission for TV and radio broadcast receivers and associated equipment
CISPR 20: Immunity for TV and radio broadcast receivers and associated equipment
CISPR 14-1: Emission for Household equipment and handheld tools
CISPR 14-2: Immunity Household equipment and handheld tools
CISPR 15: Emission for Luminaries and lighting equipment
CISPR 22: Emission for Information technology equipment (ITE)
CISPR 24: Immunity for Information technology equipment (ITE)
CISPR 25: Emission for Vehicles / Automotive Components
CISPR 32: Emission for Multimedia Equipment
CISPR 35: Immunity for Multimedia equipment
IEC 61000-4-2: Testing and measurement techniques Electrostatic Discharge Immunity
IEC 61000-4-3 : Testing and measurement techniques RF Radiated Immunity
IEC 61000-4-4: Testing and measurement techniques EFT / Burst Immunity
IEC 61000-4-5: Testing and measurement techniques Surge Immunity
IEC 61000-4-6: Testing and measurement techniques RF Conducted Immunity
IEC 61000-4-8: Testing and measurement techniques Power Magnetic Immunity
IEC 61000-4-11: Testing and measurement techniques Voltage Dip/Drop/Variation Immunity
ECE-R10: International Regulation for EMC Testing of Automotive / Vehicles
ISO 11451-x: Road vehicles — Vehicle test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy
ISO 11452-x: Road vehicles — Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy
FCC Part 15: Regulation that sets limitations on the amount of electromagnetic interference allowed from digital and electronic devices
MIL-STD-461 E/F/G: EMC for Military Products of Subsystem and Equipment
DO-160: Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment (Avionics)
and many more……