Impulse voltage generators for testing exchange and user terminal equipment of the telecom network. Test requirements for basic and enhanced levels.

Combination Wave Generator according to IEC 61000-4-5 12kV/6kA 2 Ohm with automatic three phase coupling network 480V and 32A.
12 kV impulse generator with CWG, 1-Phase CDN and 10/700
Impulse Insulation Tester 10/700, and 1.2/50 up to 6kV
6 kV Impulse testing of up to 4 Unbalanced Twisted Pairs (UTP)
CDN for 1.2/50, Ringwave and 10/700 surge coupling 6kV to 2 pair (4 wires) balanced communication lines
External emergency stop switch
Test cabinet made of acrylic glass, With interlock safety switch.
Voltage probe for impulses up to 4kV
External Red and Green warning lamps
Differential voltage probe for impulses up to 7kV
8KV EFT/Burst, SURGE, Ringwave and 10/700us impulse generator