Electrostatic discharge is a triboelectric effect caused by separation of dissimilar materials. Personal ESD generates voltages up to 30kV. Energy content is low but can damage semiconductor circuits.

Handheld ESD Simulator with modular discharge circuits up to 30kV
Modular conducted immunity generator up to 5KV EFT/Burst, 5.1KV SURGE
Electrostatic Discharge Module 150pF, 330 Ohm for AD up to 16kV, CD up to 10kV
Relay module with high voltage and polarity switch
Discharge Network up to 30kV according ISO TR 10605. 150pF, 330 Ohm
2 Ohm ESD Target with SMA connector & target attenuator cable chain for up to 30kV
Test cabinet to test explosive devices. With interlock safety switch.
External emergency stop switch
Indirect ESD Field-Coupling-Plane in accordance with ISO 10605
Automatic 3-Phase CDN up to 32A / 8kV for EFT, Surge and Ringwave (690V)
Charging voltage measurement divider 20GOhm